Sara Hawkins - Studio owner - cell: 309-231-7273 She may not be able to answer you immediately if you call but she will get back to you as soon as she can if you leave a voicemail. She also accepts text messages. If she gets a call or a message after 9:00 pm, she will get back to you the following day.
Email: [email protected]
Other ways to contact us:
Email: [email protected]
Other ways to contact us:
- Filling out and submitting the form below will generally get an email response from us within an hour or two.
- Facebook Messenger: Click on message us on our facebook page.
- Remind texting service: For current parents and students who use our service.
all information contained on this site is copyrighted by Sara Kate's Dance Studio.
No copying in any manner or downloading information without permission.
No copying in any manner or downloading information without permission.